

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Stance on US Gun laws

Hey guys,
So I wrote this up as a response to a comment on another blog dealing with new restrictive laws in response to the shooting in Arizona recently. 

I'd like to respond to the comments that said that guns don't kill people/everyone should have guns.
It's true that a gun isn't the *only* thing that is needed to kill people; give a normal person a gun, and they're not going to kill anyone. BUT, if that guy didn't have a gun, do you think he would have managed to injure and kill the same # of people that he did? Never. Maybe he could have stabbed someone, but kill or injure 15+ people? No. That's why gun control is important, and why guns DO kill people.
The idea that everyone having a gun would be great is also fairly laughable. FIrst of all, not everyone is going to be willing to carry a gun.  They're big, expensive, heavy, and dangerous, so it's just not feasible to have everyone have one. Plus, more guns=more kids getting ahold of them=more accidents.
Secondly, easy to get guns means that disputes can easily turn more violent. What if a couple of people are in a bar, drunk, and get into a fight? If one gets scared and thinks his life may be at stake, he's definitely going to pull out his piece and start shooting, killing not only his opponent but also bystanders, which takes me nicely to my 3rd point: If everyone had guns, you would have many people carrying guns (and you already do now) who are horrible shots. It takes time, dedication, and money to learn how to shoot well, and the average American might not have these things. Thus, you have people who don't know how to use guns with them. These weapons would likely be small, concealable handguns, which are *extremely* inaccurate, especially cheap ones with cheap ammo. Now, when a "bad guy" pulls a gun (or some trigger happy moron *thinks* someone has a gun and ends up shooting a teenager pulling a cell phone out of his pocket), all these newly armed citizens will start spraying away. They'll be lucky to even hit the "bad guy," and it's extremely likely that they would shoot innocent bystanders, especially in cramped quarters like a school where stray bullets could easily pass through walls and kill those on the other side.
What we need is STRICTER gun control, and I agree that we need to stop black market gun-running. That's what will make us safer, not arming every moron with a pulse.
So that's my opinion on that. I'd love to hear comments from you guys, and I welcome anyone who disagrees with my opinions.


  1. Gun control will never an has never worked. Everywhere gun laws are more restrictive, gun violence is is higher. it's because a criminal doesn't need a license to get a gun. If you really wanna open this can of worms, think about how many lives would have been saved if one of his victims had been packing heat and taken him out before he could shoot anyone else. An armed society is a polite society, those who would give up essential freedom for temporary safety etc. etc.

  2. I think people will conjure up every form of excuses and reasoning why gun ownership should be allowed to continue. These are the people most likely to own firearms themselves. Personally, my vote is to ban them.

  3. Please tell me. Criminals don't follow laws about murder, theft, rape, etc. Why in hell would they follow gun laws?

    Anytime you make a law banning something that's in demand, you create a black market. It makes it harder to get guns for everyone, including the criminal. Sure. But it doesn't stop them, and it certainly will swing the power to the bad side.

    Listen, I'm not a gun nut by any means. I don't even own a gun. But the second amendment is very clear for a very specific reason. The guys who wrote it had just come out of a people's revolution. It would not have been possible for them to win without using guns. And they knew that sometime, if the government ever got out of hand, the people might have to do it again.

    You can argue that more people with guns means more murder. Then why haven't there been mass murders at gun shows, or gun rallies, or gun shops? The fact is, as much as it seems counter-intuitive, violent crime has gone down significantly in right-to-carry areas. It turns out a gun is a great deterrent.

    Hopefully none of us is ever in a position where we are forced to use deadly force against someone to protect ourselves. But if a criminal has a gun from the black market, and I'm gunless because of gun control laws... well, that'd just be wholly ironic.

    Besides, forget about gun control for a second. This is a rights vs. safety issue. I won't repeat the Ben Franklin quote, but I agree with it one hundred percent. I will gladly give up a feeling of security in order to maintain the rights that the Bill of Rights give me.

    It comes down to which you value more - your rights, or your personal safety.

  4. If you want a gun, you can get a gun. It's very simple. Stricter gun laws only effects law abiding citizens.

    Don't forget to check and support often your local information hot-spot!

  5. When people talk about gun control, they rarely talk about gun education. Sure a criminal grabs a gun and proceeds to rob someone he believes is defenseless, its not like they teach you how to defend yourself in school. But what if he knew that a shooting range/gun education class was required in his local high school, i would be a little more worried about robbing random people on the street if I knew gun training came right after math class.

    Following and supporting

  6. Although I agree with some points and disagree with others, it's the fact that the ones I disagree about are still intellectual responses that I can respect. Very refreshing after interacting with a society that seems to be getting dumber and dumber.

  7. padlocks aren't meant to keep dishonest people out, they are meant to keep honest people out.

  8. if he didn't have a gun, then he might've procured another weapon like a bomb. besides, i think that guns would just go to the black market if they were banned, just like marijuana etc.

  9. There is a Harvard study on gun control you should look into. Also, just because everyone HAS a gun doesn't mean they will always be CARRYING the gun. There obviously needs to be gun control, but completely banning of guns or too much of it is harmful.
    As well, couldn't this man have found a better way to kill these people? Pipe bombs, poison grenades, moltovs, etc are relatively easy to make and acquire. These means of killing would have killed even more people. This man is sadly an exception to the generally sane populace, and should have had been looked at by professionals before it came to this.
    Finally the age old saying: "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."

  10. Disagree with the post, some intelligence there and in the comments though.
    Quid Pro Quo Fo Sho.

  11. I'm just going to say something, "An eye for an eye leave the whole world blind"... You shouldnt get a gun because someone else has a gun...

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Retard check for gun owners, that's about all I have to say. *cockin it* followin ya

  14. Very impressed with the responses, I'm glad people stand by the 2nd amendment , super super important.

    Following now

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  15. Yeah after everything on that, gun control is such a big issue...

  16. Im lucky back here in blighty, guns are outlawed. So i dont really have 2 cents input because ive never had to deal with it personally but i do like reading these articles.

    Nice blog dude, put you on follow

    Come check me out at -Daily Tech/Design/Random Updates

  17. I enjoyed your insight, followed for future insight.

  18. the only gun I own is my big black cock. Nice blog mang

    please follow me in my never ending thirst for poon @

  19. Some interesting thoughts, followed!

  20. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

  21. interesting stuff, following

  22. Nobody should be allowed to have a gun. Nobody.

  23. goddamn libs trying to take away my gunz!

    follow me at

  24. It's getting even worse with the recent school shootings (2 this week in CA) and then Gifford's case as well

  25. What about not having guns? Just look at how this world is now, people shooting random people just because they are miserable. I'm finding your thoughts about this very interesting, but I can't understand why it should be so easy to buy and carry a gun in the US.

  26. Luckily the second amendment protects our ability to own and keep firearms.

    I am in favor of waiting periods and mental stability tests though.

    I like your blog, I'll be following.

  27. interesting post, I'm following

  28. you make a valid point. but i still believe 'people kill people' still stands, otherwise we may as way blame everything other than people.

  29. A gun is only as dangerous as the person who's in possession of it. On average more Canadians have guns than Americans but their gun crime rate is nothing compared to ours. We just have a violent culture.

  30. a well armed populars is the only way to defeat the threat of tyranny

  31. An armed society is a polite society.

  32. i think if nobody had guns then there would be a lot of people who wouldnt of made mistakes in "the heat of the moment" good subject following

  33. Dude RIGHT ON! Japan is a gun free country, my wife visited there a while ago and it was insane how safe that place was.

  34. ^^Because Japanese people are pussies lol

  35. I never really thought of it that way. But at the same time, if guns were illegal, then it would be all of the criminals who would have the decisive advantage of having them. And no citizens could protect themselves against the mugger with a knife unless they were trained in combat. It's a "double edged sword" either way, it seems.

  36. Gun control is decent, if you buy them at a store.

    They need to control private sales, which is basically a black market.

  37. Didn't read, but I love m3's.

    I'm following and supporting you btw =)
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  38. I don't see how a gun control would ever work in the usa. All the states have their own opinion so they stick to their rules.
    It's up to the parents to teach their kids what's right anyway. Friggan government control

  39. right to bare arms. Thats all I've got to say.

  40. mustangs are pretty sweet. I hope my first car is a mustang.

  41. I wanna own a gun. NAO.


  42. I think anyone should be allowed a gun, but only if they prove themselves capable of handling it

  43. I couldn't have said this better myself. Sure you have your 2nd Amendment rights, but the safety of the general public is put before the preservation of your rights. If you can't handle having a gun, than you shouldn't be allowed to have one, plain and simple.

  44. Gun control would probably work just as well as banning drugs. I bet you every second person on the street has drugs on them, even though they're illegal.

  45. Nice post and blog :) Supporting all the way!

  46. Let everyone have guns. Problem solved.

    Check out and follow my new blog, guaranteed lulz

    Other blog:

  47. Not sure how I feel about gun control, but interesting post.

  48. guns dont kill people, people do

  49. If guns are illegal for citizens, there would still be guns being obtained illegally from criminals, but no ordinary citizen will be able to have a gun to defend themselves from said criminals (burglary/robbery)

  50. gunlaws are very touchy, there is always arguments for and against. interesting post. following

  51. If everyone was required to take a gun safety class, and learn how to properly use and maintain a gun, then I see no problem with common citizens having guns. Not only do they help protect their property and family, but it is also a right given by the Bill of Rights to be able to protect from or even overthrow the government should it become corrupt.

  52. kind of mixed about what your saying man. Agreed that guns, are not the cause of gun violence, being that they are none moral object that are incapable of doing anything without the prejudice of humans. But I have to say that gun control only limits the gun owners and users that obey the law, and those are not the ones that you need to worry about, what we need are stricter laws regaring illegal firearm posses ion and gun crime. Interesting take though, followed. Please return ans we can discuss more

  53. Criminals are going to break the law gun ownership being made illegal is not going to stop them. To prevent crime you need to look at the deeper issues.

  54. I don't have a real opinion with guns but I tend to go towards the no gun rule just because of the school shootings.

  55. Very good post! :) Nice!

    Always supporting,

  56. gun control is retarded. and empowers those that defy the law.

  57. gun control also protects a govt from being overthrown by its people.

  58. If everyone has guns, the troublemakers will be sorted out in very very very short time. You're just a pussy.

    Following and supporting

  59. Its a complicated issue. I guess that I can see both sides.

  60. Guns arent bad, the people that use them are...

  61. I agree, guns should not be taken away completely.

  62. Like Leon says, theres 2 sides. But remember that its a big % of the killing and raping.. NOT RAD AT ALL.

  63. Well I think the "you cannot stop them anyways" argument is pretty much vaild. Anyways, the problem is the people, the persons, the criminals.

    But saddly, at the end of the day, nobody cares.

  64. som nice points!

  65. This is a very American issue. In England, where I'm from, and in Malaysia, where I now live, there are no such issues involving the selling and ownership of guns.

    I am all for self-defence, and having the right to defend yourself from attackers etc...but I also disagree totally with normal people walking around the streets with guns tucked in their pockets. I wouldn't like to live in a society like that!

    Check out my blog:

  66. :D Very inticing debate. Definitely following.

  67. I'm at if you feel like stopping by.

  68. In canada they expect you to call the cops, if someone threatens/shoots/or tries to shoot you.

    How is that not fucked, no self defense allowed here, unless you are guarenteed to die. Pretty fuckin weak. Be glad you have the 4th amendment, fight for it, Canadian's don't/can't.

  69. more education on guns are needed before anyone can get a gun
